PCT fees

Fees charged by the Visegrad Patent Institute for its PCT services are contained in the VPI Schedule of Fees.
List of fees charged by the Visegrad Patent Institute (VPI Schedule of Fees) >>
For further information on fees and payments related to international patent application process under the PCT System, please refer to the WIPO website. WIPO list of fees of the PCT application and further related information >>

Global Patent Search Services fees

The fees for the Global Patent Search Services are charged in accordance with the decision of the Administrative Board of the VPI. List of fees of Global Patent Search Services are available on the service pages. (Novelty Search Service >> and Novelty Search with Preliminary Patentability Report >>)

Payment of fees

Fees payable to the Visegrad Patent Institute are to be sent by bank transfer to the bank account of the VPI:

Account holder’s name: Visegrad Patent Institute
Bank: Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., 1133 Budapest, Váci út 116-118.
IBAN: HU66-12012204-01799099-00200000

Fees payable to the WIPO are to be paid in accordance with the requirements of the WIPO. For further information, please refer to the WIPO website.



Applicants can request the refund of a certain percentage of the international search fee in respect of their international applications under the PCT.

In cases where the Visegrad Patent Institute benefits from

  • the results of an earlier national search carried out by any of the National Offices of the PCT Contracting States: 40%;
  • an earlier international search report or international type search report: 50% of the amount of the international search fee paid by the applicant shall be refunded to the applicant.

To benefit from this refund possibility, applicants are kindly requested to already indicate in the request (form PCT/RO/101) that such earlier search exists and that the ISA/VPI is requested to take the result of such earlier search into account by ticking Box No. VII, item 1.1, and, as the case may be,

  • either to select one of the scenarios listed in Box No. VII, item 1.2:

>    by ticking item 1.2 first and second box (if a copy of the results of the earlier search is available to the VPI), or

>    by ticking item 1.2 seventh box (if a copy of the results of the earlier search is not available to the VPI and therefore request from the applicant to the Receiving Office to transmit to the VPI a copy of the earlier search result is needed),

  • or to furnish the earlier search report if it is not readily available to the VPI or to the Receiving Office.

Eligibility to the refund is decided by the VPI at the completion of the search. Positive decision is communicated to the applicants when the Search Report is issued via form PCT/ISA/213. Parallel to the PCT/ISA/213, a Search Fee Refund Form is also transmitted to the applicants.



Applicants are kindly requested to inform Visegrad Patent Institute of their bank details by sending a request for the partial refund of international search fee (Search Fee Refund Request).
Please note that the request for search fee refund must be submitted within 6 months from the date of the issuance of document ISA 213 by the VPI. Requests submitted after the 6-month deadline will not be admissible.

Submitting the Search Fee Refund Request

The Refund form can be submitted via
– the ePCT,
– an email to secretariat@vpi.int,
– mail (the paper copy has to be sent to the postal address of the Visegrad Patent Institute).

The request for refund can also be submitted via the following online form.

Please, note that in case the Search Fee Refund Form is submitted electronically, no hard copy is requested to be mailed.

Online form for search fee refund



    The VPI is an intergovernmental organization for the cooperation in the fields of patent established by the Visegrad countries. The VPI functions as ISA and IPEA for the Visegrad countries, and contracting states of Lithuania and Serbia.



    The PCT is an international treaty that makes it possible to seek patent protection simultaneously in a large number of countries by filing a single application. Granting the patent remains under the national or regional legislation.

    Knowledge hub


    The Knowledge hub of the Visegrad Patent Institute was created to share research, statistics, industrial best practice and benchmark information about international patenting in the Visegrad countries through publications and events.